Many plant processes involve the transfer and storage of products in piping. Often it is found that the products being transferred and stored can freeze, become extremely viscous, or condense undesirably if allowed to cool to plant ambient temperatures. While it is sometimes possible to prevent excessive cool-down by a combination of insulation and flow maintenance during processing hours, it is usually not practical to do so during nonprocessing periods. Hence, the addition of heat to the insulated piping and equipment is a common plant requirement. Today, one of the more widely used techniques for adding the desired heat is electric heat tracers. This presents various facets of the design process involved in attaining a functional heat tracing design. In particular, finite element analysis (FEA) is presented to provide new insight into the details of tracing design in three areas: (a) non uniform heat flux conditions; (b) temperature variation about a traced pipe's circumference; and (c) power output decline of a self-limiting heater on thermally non conducting pipe.
Heat Trace Cable
Used in maintaining fluid viscosities in process Piping, in Pumps, Tanks and Vessels. They provide freeze protection for foundations, drains, freezer floors and air conditioning lines. In other applications, heater cables furnish frost protection and de-icing functions on power rails for mass transit and people mover systems. Electrical Heat Trace Cables are developed by Specialty Cable engineers to meet the specific voltage, wattage, temperature and zone length requirements. Heat Tracer cables are constant wattage type and self regulating self-limiting type.
Advantages of Electric Tracers
*Maintains freeze protection, close temperature tolerances or viscosity control.
*Excellent for maintaining long, continuous lengths of impulse lines and piping at consistent temperatures.
Good for situations where steam is not available or steam supply could be interrupted, such as during shutdowns.
SSE&S Engineers Pvt. Ltd. provide complete services to their clients from their requirements to commissioning as per their requirement.
Fuel Storage Tank